Call Us Anytime Emergency Dental Care in Sunnyside, Queens

Have you had an accident that resulted in a broken tooth? Do you have some other form of emergency dental situation? We have emergency dental care available if you live in Sunnyside or the surrounding area. Whatever kind of dental emergency you may have, we can help.


What Constitutes A Dental Emergency?

1) A Severe Toothache

Don’t dismiss that toothache! It could be a sign of a larger problem. If it’s only a toothache and simple inflammation of the gums, then you can probably make a normal dental appointment. However, if the ache won’t go away, becomes exponentially worse in a short amount of time, or you have an abscess form then you should call immediately. If you don’t, you could risk permanent damage to the teeth and gums. Needing the tooth removed is really the least of your concerns at that point.

At that point, you could wind up losing parts of the gum line or the entire jaw. An abscessed tooth is no joke, and you should seek attention immediately.

2) A Loose Filling or Crown

If you lose a crown or a filling, then you have a dental emergency. Fillings and crowns can become loose if the tooth begins to decay. As the tooth changes shape, the fillings and crowns become looser. Eventually, the tooth has changed shape so much that the crown or filling can’t stay in. That’s when you have a major problem.

At that point, the tooth can barely keep the crown or the filling in place. It doesn’t take much longer for the crown to fall off. At that point, you’ll likely have to get the tooth entirely removed. That’s a huge process and one that could have been avoided by going to the emergency dentist as soon as you noticed the problem.

3) Children And Dental Emergencies

Children can easily happen upon a dental emergency just by being children. Rough play or simple accident can leave them with damaged teeth. As with all people, if you see bleeding from the tooth root or the tooth is loose due to injury, you should seek emergency dental care. While it’s true that children will lose their baby teeth, they still need those teeth to fall out naturally. Otherwise, there could be damage to the gumline. This could cause damage to their adult teeth. That damage may be repairable, but there’s no reason to take that risk if you don’t have to.


Call us Any Time For Dental Emergency Care in Sunnyside


When you’re on your way to the emergency dentist, try to manage the pain appropriately. Extreme pain can often cause trouble with hand-eye coordination and motor skills, so it may be a good idea to get someone to drive you. You can also use over the counter medications that can help deaden the area. If you have more serious swelling, painkillers such as Tylenol can help relieve the pain and swelling a bit.

If you have any dental issues that require emergency attention, don’t put it off. Even minor tooth pain can be a symptom of a larger problem.

So if you live in Sunnyside, Queens call us immediately if you’re in need of immediate dental treatment.